A data type for encoding side effects as pure values, capable of expressing both synchronous and asynchronous computations.
A value of type IO[A]
is a computation which, when evaluated, can
perform effects before returning a value of type A
values are pure, immutable values and thus preserves referential
transparency, being usable in functional programming. An IO
is a
data structure that represents just a description of a side effectful
can describe synchronous or asynchronous computations that:
- on evaluation yield exactly one result
- can end in either success or failure and in case of failure
chains get short-circuited (IO
implementing the algebra ofMonadError
) - can be canceled, but note this capability relies on the user to provide cancellation logic
Effects described via this abstraction are not evaluated until the "end of the world", which is to say, when one of the "unsafe" methods are used. Effectful results are not memoized, meaning that memory overhead is minimal (and no leaks), and also that a single effect may be run multiple times in a referentially-transparent manner. For example:
import cats.effect.IO
val ioa = IO { println("hey!") }
val program: IO[Unit] =
for {
_ <- ioa
_ <- ioa
} yield ()
//=> hey!
//=> hey!
The above example prints "hey!" twice, as the effect re-runs each time it is sequenced in the monadic chain.
On Referential Transparency and Lazy Evaluation
can suspend side effects and is thus a lazily evaluated data type, being many times compared with Future
from the standard library and to understand the landscape in terms of the evaluation model (in Scala), consider this classification:
Eager | Lazy | |
Synchronous | A | () => A |
Eval[A] | ||
Asynchronous | (A => Unit) => Unit | () => (A => Unit) => Unit |
Future[A] | IO[A] |
In comparison with Scala's Future
, the IO
data type preserves referential transparency even when dealing with side effects and is lazily evaluated. In an eager language like Scala, this is the difference between a result and the function producing it.
Similar with Future
, with IO
you can reason about the results of asynchronous processes, but due to its purity and laziness IO
can be thought of as a specification (to be evaluated at the "end of the world"), yielding more control over the evaluation model and being more predictable, for example when dealing with sequencing vs parallelism, when composing multiple IOs or when dealing with failure.
Note laziness goes hand in hand with referential transparency. Consider this example:
for {
_ <- addToGauge(32)
_ <- addToGauge(32)
} yield ()
If we have referential transparency, we can rewrite that example as:
val task = addToGauge(32)
for {
_ <- task
_ <- task
} yield ()
This doesn't work with Future
, but works with IO
and this ability is essential for functional programming.
Stack Safety
is trampolined in its flatMap
evaluation. This means that you
can safely call flatMap
in a recursive function of arbitrary depth,
without fear of blowing the stack:
def fib(n: Int, a: Long = 0, b: Long = 1): IO[Long] =
IO(a + b).flatMap { b2 =>
if (n > 0)
fib(n - 1, b, b2)
implements all the typeclasses shown in the hierarchy. Therefore
all those operations are available for IO
, in addition to some
Describing Effects
is a potent abstraction that can efficiently describe multiple
kinds of effects:
Pure Values — IO.pure & IO.unit
You can lift pure values into IO
, yielding IO
values that are
"already evaluated", the following function being defined on IO's
def pure[A](a: A): IO[A] = ???
Note that the given parameter is passed by value, not by name.
For example we can lift a number (pure value) into IO
and compose it
with another IO
that wraps a side a effect in a safe manner, as
nothing is going to be executed:
IO.pure(25).flatMap(n => IO(println(s"Number is: $n")))
It should be obvious that IO.pure
cannot suspend side effects, because
is eagerly evaluated, with the given parameter being passed
by value, so don't do this:
IO.pure(println("THIS IS WRONG!"))
In this case the println
will trigger a side effect that is not
suspended in IO
and given this code that probably is not our
is simply an alias for IO.pure(())
, being a reusable
reference that you can use when an IO[Unit]
value is required, but
you don't need to trigger any other side effects:
val unit: IO[Unit] = IO.pure(())
Given IO[Unit]
is so prevalent in Scala code, the Unit
type itself
being meant to signal completion of side effectful routines, this
proves useful as a shortcut and as an optimization, since the same
reference is returned.
Synchronous Effects — IO.apply
It's probably the most used builder and the equivalent of
, describing IO
operations that can be evaluated
immediately, on the current thread and call-stack:
def apply[A](body: => A): IO[A] = ???
Note the given parameter is passed ''by name'', its execution being
"suspended" in the IO
An example would be reading / writing from / to the console, which on top of the JVM uses blocking I/O, so their execution is immediate:
def putStrLn(value: String) = IO(println(value))
val readLn = IO(
And then we can use that to model interactions with the console in a purely functional way:
for {
_ <- putStrLn("What's your name?")
n <- readLn
_ <- putStrLn(s"Hello, $n!")
} yield ()
Asynchronous Effects — IO.async & IO.cancelable
can describe asynchronous processes via the IO.async
is the operation that complies with the laws of
(see Async) and can
describe simple asynchronous processes that cannot be canceled,
its signature being:
def async[A](k: (Either[Throwable, A] => Unit) => Unit): IO[A] = ???
The provided registration function injects a callback that you can use
to signal either successful results (with Right(a)
), or failures
(with Left(error)
). Users can trigger whatever asynchronous side
effects are required, then use the injected callback to signal
For example, you don't need to convert Scala's Future
, because you
already have a conversion operation defined in IO.fromFuture
however the code for converting a Future
would be straightforward:
import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext}
import scala.util.{Success, Failure}
def convert[A](fa: => Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): IO[A] =
IO.async { cb =>
// This triggers evaluation of the by-name param and of onComplete,
// so it's OK to have side effects in this callback
fa.onComplete {
case Success(a) => cb(Right(a))
case Failure(e) => cb(Left(e))
Cancelable Processes
For building cancelable IO
tasks you need to use the
builder, this being compliant with
(see Concurrent)
and has this signature:
def cancelable[A](k: (Either[Throwable, A] => Unit) => IO[Unit]): IO[A] = ???
So it is similar with IO.async
, but in that registration function
the user is expected to provide an IO[Unit]
that captures the
required cancellation logic.
Important: cancellation is the ability to interrupt an IO
task before
completion, possibly releasing any acquired resources, useful in race
conditions to prevent leaks.
As example suppose we want to describe a sleep
operation that
depends on Java's ScheduledExecutorService
, delaying a tick for a
certain time duration:
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService
import scala.concurrent.duration._
def delayedTick(d: FiniteDuration)
(implicit sc: ScheduledExecutorService): IO[Unit] = {
IO.cancelable { cb =>
val r = new Runnable { def run() = cb(Right(())) }
val f = sc.schedule(r, d.length, d.unit)
// Returning the cancellation token needed to cancel
// the scheduling and release resources early
Note this delayed tick is already described by IO.sleep
), so you don't need to do it.
More on dealing with ''cancellation'' below.
represents a non-terminating IO
defined in terms of
, useful as shortcut and as a reusable reference:
val never: IO[Nothing] = IO.async(_ => ())
This is useful in order to use non-termination in certain cases, like
race conditions. For example, given IO.race
, we have these
IO.race(lh, IO.never) <->
IO.race(IO.never, rh) <->
Deferred Execution — IO.defer (previously The IO.defer
builder has this equivalence:
IO.defer(f) <-> IO(f).flatten
So it is useful for suspending effects, but that defers the completion
of the returned IO
to some other reference. It's also useful for
modeling stack safe, tail recursive loops:
import cats.effect.IO
def fib(n: Int, a: Long, b: Long): IO[Long] =
IO.defer {
if (n > 0)
fib(n - 1, b, a + b)
Normally a function like this would eventually yield a stack overflow
error on top of the JVM. By using IO.defer
and doing all of those
cycles using IO
's run-loop, its evaluation is lazy and it's going to
use constant memory. This would work with flatMap
as well, of
course, suspend
being just nicer in this example.
We could describe this function using Scala's @tailrec
however by using IO
we can also preserve fairness by inserting
asynchronous boundaries:
import cats.effect._
def fib(n: Int, a: Long, b: Long)(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]): IO[Long] =
IO.defer {
if (n == 0) IO.pure(a) else {
val next = fib(n - 1, b, a + b)
// Every 100 cycles, introduce a logical thread fork
if (n % 100 == 0)
cs.shift *> next
And now we have something more interesting than a @tailrec
loop. As
can be seen, IO
allows very precise control over the evaluation.
Concurrency and Cancellation
can describe interruptible asynchronous processes. As an
implementation detail:
- not all
tasks are cancelable. Cancellation status is only checked after asynchronous boundaries. It can be achieved in the following way:
- Building it with
- Using
Note that the second point is the consequence of the first one and anything that involves
those operations is also possible to cancel. It includes, but is not limited to
waiting on Mvar.take
, Mvar.put
and Deferred.get
We should also note that flatMap
chains are only cancelable only if
the chain happens after an asynchronous boundary.
After an asynchronous boundary, cancellation checks are performed on every N flatMap
The value of N
is hardcoded to 512.
Here is an example,
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(
def retryUntilRight[A, B](io: IO[Either[A, B]]): IO[B] = {
io.flatMap {
case Right(b) => IO.pure(b)
case Left(_) => retryUntilRight(io)
// non-terminating IO that is NOT cancelable
val notCancelable: IO[Int] = retryUntilRight(IO(Left(0)))
// non-terminating IO that is cancelable because there is an
// async boundary created by IO.shift before `flatMap` chain
val cancelable: IO[Int] = IO.shift *> retryUntilRight(IO(Left(0)))
tasks that are cancelable, usually become non-terminating oncancel
Also this might be a point of confusion for folks coming from Java and
that expect the features of Thread.interrupt
or of the old and
deprecated Thread.stop
cancellation does NOT work like that, as thread interruption in
Java is inherently unsafe, unreliable and not portable!
Next subsections describe cancellation-related operations in more depth.
Building cancelable IO tasks
Cancelable IO
tasks can be described via the IO.cancelable
builder. The delayedTick
example making use of the Java's
was already given above, but to recap:
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService
import cats.effect.IO
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
def sleep(d: FiniteDuration)
(implicit sc: ScheduledExecutorService): IO[Unit] = {
IO.cancelable { cb =>
val r = new Runnable { def run() = cb(Right(())) }
val f = sc.schedule(r, d.length, d.unit)
// Returning a function that can cancel our scheduling
Important: if you don't specify cancellation logic for a task, then the task is NOT cancelable. So for example, using Java's blocking I/O still:
import cats.effect.IO
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
def unsafeFileToString(file: File) = {
// Freaking Java :-)
val in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "utf-8"))
try {
// Uninterruptible loop
val sb = new StringBuilder()
var hasNext = true
while (hasNext) {
hasNext = false
val line = in.readLine()
if (line != null) {
hasNext = true
} finally {
def readFile(file: File)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) =
IO.async[String] { cb =>
ec.execute(() => {
try {
// Signal completion
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
This is obviously not cancelable and there's no magic that the IO
implementation does to make that loop cancelable. No, we are not going
to use Java's Thread.interrupt
, because that would be unsafe and
unreliable and besides, whatever the IO
does has to be portable
between platforms.
But there's a lot of flexibility in what can be done, including here.
We could simply introduce a variable that changes to false
, to be
observed in that while
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import cats.effect.IO
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
def unsafeFileToString(file: File, isActive: AtomicBoolean) = {
val sc = new StringBuilder
val linesIterator = Source.fromFile(file).getLines()
var hasNext = true
while (hasNext && isActive.get) {
hasNext = linesIterator.hasNext
def readFile(file: File)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) =
IO.cancelable[String] { cb =>
val isActive = new AtomicBoolean(true)
ec.execute(() => {
try {
// Signal completion
cb(Right(unsafeFileToString(file, isActive)))
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
// On cancel, signal it
Gotcha: Cancellation is a Concurrent Action!
This is not always obvious, not from the above examples, but you might be tempted to do something like this:
import cats.effect.IO
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
def readLine(in: BufferedReader)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) =
IO.cancelable[String] { cb =>
ec.execute(() => cb(
try Right(in.readLine())
catch { case NonFatal(e) => Left(e) }))
// Cancellation logic is not thread-safe!
An operation like this might be useful in streaming abstractions that
stream I/O chunks via IO
(via libraries like FS2, Monix, or others).
But the described operation is incorrect, because in.close()
concurrent with in.readLine
, which can lead to thrown exceptions
and in many cases it can lead to data corruption. This is a big
no-no. We want to interrupt whatever it is that the IO
is doing, but
not at the cost of data corruption.
Therefore the user needs to handle thread safety concerns. So here's one way of doing it:
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import cats.effect.IO
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
def readLine(in: BufferedReader)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) =
IO.cancelable[String] { cb =>
val isActive = new AtomicBoolean(true)
ec.execute { () =>
if (isActive.getAndSet(false)) {
try cb(Right(in.readLine()))
catch { case NonFatal(e) => cb(Left(e)) }
// Note there's no else; if cancellation was executed
// then we don't call the callback; task becoming
// non-terminating ;-)
// Cancellation logic
IO {
// Thread-safe gate
if (isActive.getAndSet(false))
In this example it is the cancellation logic itself that calls
, but the call is safe due to the thread-safe guard that
we're creating by usage of an atomic getAndSet
This is using an AtomicBoolean
for thread-safety, but don't shy away
from using intrinsic locks / mutexes via synchronize
blocks or
whatever else concurrency primitives the JVM provides, whatever is
needed in these side effectful functions. And don't worry, this is
usually needed only in IO.cancelable
, IO.async
or IO.apply
, as
these builders represents the FFI for interacting with the impure
world, aka the dark side, otherwise once you're in IO
's context, you
can compose concurrent tasks using higher level tools.
Shared memory concurrency is unfortunately both the blessing and the curse of working with kernel threads. Not a big problem on N:1 platforms like JavaScript, but there you don't get in-process CPU parallelism either. Such is life, a big trail of tradeoffs.
Concurrent start + cancel
You can use IO
as a green-threads system, with the "fork" operation
being available via IO#start
, the operation that's compliant with
. This is a method with the following signature:
def start: IO[Fiber[IO, A]]
Returned is a Fiber. You can think of fibers as being
lightweight threads, a fiber being the pure and light equivalent of a
thread that can be either joined (via join
) or interrupted (via
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
// Needed for IO.start to do a logical thread fork
implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(
val launchMissiles: IO[Unit] = IO.raiseError(new Exception("boom!"))
val runToBunker = IO(println("To the bunker!!!"))
for {
fiber <- launchMissiles.start
_ <- runToBunker.handleErrorWith { error =>
// Retreat failed, cancel launch (maybe we should
// have retreated to our bunker before the launch?)
fiber.cancel *> IO.raiseError(error)
aftermath <- fiber.join
} yield aftermath
is defined on IO with overloads accepting an implicit ContextShift
or an explicit ExecutionContext
but it's also available via the Concurrent
type class. To get an instance of Concurrent[IO]
, you need a ContextShift[IO]
in implicit scope.
runCancelable & unsafeRunCancelable
The above is the pure cancel
, accessible via Fiber
. However the
second way to access cancellation token and thus interrupt tasks is via
(the pure version) and unsafeRunCancelable
unsafe version).
Example relying on the side-effecting unsafeRunCancelable
and note
this kind of code is impure and should be used with care:
import cats.effect.IO
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._
// Needed for `sleep`
implicit val timer = IO.timer(
// Delayed println
val io: IO[Unit] = IO.sleep(10.seconds) *> IO(println("Hello!"))
val cancel: IO[Unit] =
io.unsafeRunCancelable(r => println(s"Done: $r"))
// ... if a race condition happens, we can cancel it,
// thus canceling the scheduling of `IO.sleep`
The runCancelable
alternative is the operation that's compliant with
the laws of ConcurrentEffect.
Same idea, only the actual execution is suspended in SyncIO
import cats.effect.SyncIO
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
val pureResult: SyncIO[IO[Unit]] = io.runCancelable { r =>
IO(println(s"Done: $r"))
// On evaluation, this will first execute the source, then it
// will cancel it, because it makes perfect sense :-)
uncancelable marker
Given a cancelable IO
, we can turn it into an IO
that cannot be
import cats.effect.IO
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._
// Needed for `sleep`
implicit val timer = IO.timer(
// Our reference from above
val io: IO[Unit] = IO.sleep(10.seconds) *> IO(println("Hello!"))
// This IO can't be canceled, even if we try
Sometimes you need to ensure that an IO
's execution is atomic, or
in other words, either all of it executes, or none of it. And this is
what this operation does — cancelable IOs are by definition not atomic
and in certain cases we need to make them atomic.
This law is compliant with the laws of Concurrent#uncancelable
Returns a cancelable boundary — an IO
task that checks for the
cancellation status of the run-loop and does not allow for the bind
continuation to keep executing in case cancellation happened.
This operation is very similar to IO.shift
, as it can be dropped in
chains in order to make such long loops cancelable:
import cats.effect.IO
def fib(n: Int, a: Long, b: Long): IO[Long] =
IO.defer {
if (n <= 0) IO.pure(a) else {
val next = fib(n - 1, b, a + b)
// Every 100-th cycle check cancellation status
if (n % 100 == 0)
IO.cancelBoundary *> next
As mentioned at the very beginning of this section, fairness needs to be managed explicitly, the protocol being easy to follow and predictable in a WYSIWYG fashion.
Comparison to IO.shift
is essentially lighter version of IO.shift
ability to shift into different thread pool. It is lighter in the sense that
it will avoid doing logical fork.
Race Conditions — race & racePair
A race condition is a piece of logic that creates a race between two or more tasks, with the winner being signaled immediately, with the losers being usually canceled.
provides two operations for races in its companion:
// simple version
def race[A, B](lh: IO[A], rh: IO[B])
(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]): IO[Either[A, B]]
// advanced version
def racePair[A, B](lh: IO[A], rh: IO[B])
(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]): IO[Either[(A, Fiber[IO, B]), (Fiber[IO, A], B)]]
The simple version, IO.race
, will cancel the loser immediately,
whereas the second version gives you a Fiber, letting
you decide what to do next.
So race
can be derived with racePair
like so:
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO}
def race[A, B](lh: IO[A], rh: IO[B])
(implicit cs: ContextShift[IO]): IO[Either[A, B]] = {
IO.racePair(lh, rh).flatMap {
case Left((a, fiber)) => => Left(a))
case Right((fiber, b)) => => Right(b))
Using race
we could implement a "timeout" operation:
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Timer, IO}
import scala.concurrent.CancellationException
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
def timeoutTo[A](fa: IO[A], after: FiniteDuration, fallback: IO[A])
(implicit timer: Timer[IO], cs: ContextShift[IO]): IO[A] = {
IO.race(fa, timer.sleep(after)).flatMap {
case Left(a) => IO.pure(a)
case Right(_) => fallback
def timeout[A](fa: IO[A], after: FiniteDuration)
(implicit timer: Timer[IO], cs: ContextShift[IO]): IO[A] = {
val error = new CancellationException(after.toString)
timeoutTo(fa, after, IO.raiseError(error))
See Parallelism section above for how to obtain a Timer[IO]
Comparison with Haskell's "async interruption"
Haskell treats interruption with what they call "asynchronous exceptions", providing the ability to interrupt a running task by throwing an exception from another thread (concurrently).
For cats.effect
, for the "cancel" action, what happens is that
whatever you specify in the IO.cancelable
builder gets executed. And
depending on the implementation of an IO.cancelable
task, it can
become non-terminating. If we'd need to describe our cancel
operation with an impure signature, it would be:
() => Unit
By comparison Haskell (and possibly the upcoming Scalaz 8 IO
), sends
an error, a Throwable
on interruption and canceled tasks get
completed with that Throwable
. Their impure cancel is:
Throwable => Unit
Throwable => Unit
allows the task's logic to know the cancellation
reason, however cancellation is about cutting the connection to the
producer, closing all resources as soon as possible, because you're no
longer interested in the result, due to some race condition that
Throwable => Unit
is also a little confusing, being too broad in
scope. Users might be tricked into sending messages back to the
producer via this channel, in order to steer it, to change its
outcome - however cancellation is cancellation, we're doing it for the
purpose of releasing resources and the implementation of race
conditions will end up closing the connection, disallowing the
canceled task to send anything downstream.
Therefore it's confusing for the user and the only practical use is to release resources differently, based on the received error. But that's not a use-case that's worth pursuing, given the increase in complexity.
Safe Resource Acquisition and Release
Status Quo
In mainstream imperative languages you usually have try / finally
statements at disposal for acquisition and safe release of resources.
Pattern goes like this:
def javaReadFirstLine(file: File): String = {
val in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))
try {
} finally {
It does have problems like:
- this statement is obviously meant for side-effectful computations and can't be used by FP abstractions
- it's only meant for synchronous execution, so we can't use it
when working with abstractions capable of asynchrony
) finally
executes regardless of the exception type, indiscriminately, so if you get an out of memory error it still tries to close the file handle, unnecessarily delaying a process crash- if the body of
throws an exception, then followed by the body offinally
also throwing an exception, then the exception offinally
gets rethrown, hiding the original problem
Via the bracket
operation we can easily describe the above:
import cats.effect.IO
def readFirstLine(file: File): IO[String] =
IO(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))).bracket { in =>
// Usage (the try block)
} { in =>
// Releasing the reader (the finally block)
- this is pure, so it can be used for FP
- this works with asynchronous
actions - the
action will happen regardless of the exit status of theuse
action, so it will execute for successful completion, for thrown errors or for canceled execution - if the
action throws an error and then therelease
action throws an error as well, the reported error will be that ofuse
, whereas the error thrown byrelease
will just get logged (viaSystem.err
Of special consideration is that bracket
calls the release
on cancellation as well. Consider this sample:
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(
def readFile(file: File): IO[String] = {
// Opens file with an asynchronous boundary before it,
// ensuring that processing doesn't block the "current thread"
val acquire = IO.shift *> IO(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)))
acquire.bracket { in =>
// Usage (the try block)
IO {
// Ugly, low-level Java code warning!
val content = new StringBuilder()
var line: String = null
do {
line = in.readLine()
if (line != null) content.append(line)
} while (line != null)
} { in =>
// Releasing the reader (the finally block)
// This is problematic if the resulting `IO` can get
// canceled, because it can lead to data corruption
That loop can be slow, we could be talking about a big file and
as described in the "Concurrency and Cancellation" section,
cancellation is a concurrent action with whatever goes on in use
And in this case, on top of the JVM that is capable of multi-threading,
calling io.close()
concurrently with that loop
can lead to data corruption. Depending on use-case synchronization
might be needed to prevent it:
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(
def readFile(file: File): IO[String] = {
// Opens file with an asynchronous boundary before it,
// ensuring that processing doesn't block the "current thread"
val acquire = IO.shift *> IO(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)))
// Suspended execution because we are going to mutate
// a shared variable
IO.defer {
// Shared state meant to signal cancellation
var isCanceled = false
acquire.bracket { in =>
IO {
val content = new StringBuilder()
var line: String = null
do {
// Synchronized access to isCanceled and to the reader
line = in.synchronized {
if (!isCanceled)
if (line != null) content.append(line)
} while (line != null)
} { in =>
IO {
// Synchronized access to isCanceled and to the reader
in.synchronized {
isCanceled = true
The bracketCase
operation is the generalized bracket
, also receiving
an ExitCase
in release
in order to distinguish between:
- successful completion
- completion in error
- cancellation
Usage sample:
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.ExitCase.{Completed, Error, Canceled}
def readLine(in: BufferedReader): IO[String] =
IO.pure(in).bracketCase { in =>
} {
case (_, Completed | Error(_)) =>
// Do nothing
case (in, Canceled) =>
In this example we are only closing the passed resource in case
cancellation occurred. As to why we're doing this — consider that
the BufferedReader
reference was given to us and usually the
producer of such a resource should also be in charge of releasing
it. If this function would release the given BufferedReader
a successful result, then this would be a flawed implementation.
Remember the age old C++ idiom of "resource acquisition is initialization (RAII)", which says that the lifetime of a resource should be tied to the lifetime of its parent.
But in case we detect cancellation, we might want to close that
resource, because in the case of a cancellation event, we might
not have a "run-loop" active after this IO
returns its result,
so there might not be anybody available to release it.
There are two useful operations defined in the IO
companion object to lift both a scala Future
and an Either
into IO
Constructs an IO
which evaluates the given Future
and produces either a result or a failure. It is defined as follow:
import cats.effect.IO
import scala.concurrent.Future
def fromFuture[A](iof: IO[Future[A]]): IO[A] = ???
Because Future
eagerly evaluates, as well as because it memoizes, this function takes its parameter as an IO
, which could be lazily evaluated. If this laziness is appropriately threaded back to the definition site of the Future
, it ensures that the computation is fully managed by IO
and thus referentially transparent.
Lazy evaluation, equivalent with by-name parameters:
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO}
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(
IO.fromFuture(IO {
Future(println("I come from the Future!"))
Eager evaluation:
val f = Future.successful("I come from the Future!")
Lifts an Either[Throwable, A]
into the IO[A]
context raising the throwable if it exists.
import cats.effect.IO
def fromEither[A](e: Either[Throwable, A]): IO[A] = e.fold(IO.raiseError, IO.pure)
Error Handling
Since there is an instance of MonadError[IO, Throwable]
available in Cats Effect, all the error handling is done through it. This means you can use all the operations available for MonadError
and thus for ApplicativeError
on IO
as long as the error type is a Throwable
. Operations such as raiseError
, attempt
, handleErrorWith
, recoverWith
, etc. Just make sure you have the syntax import in scope such as cats.syntax.all._
Constructs an IO
which sequences the specified exception.
import cats.effect.IO
val boom: IO[Unit] = IO.raiseError(new Exception("boom"))
Materializes any sequenced exceptions into value space, where they may be handled. This is analogous to the catch
clause in try
, being the inverse of IO.raiseError
. Example:
import cats.effect.IO
val boom: IO[Unit] = IO.raiseError(new Exception("boom"))
Look at the MonadError typeclass for more.
Example: Retrying with Exponential Backoff
With IO
you can easily model a loop that retries evaluation until success or some other condition is met.
For example here's a way to implement retries with exponential back-off:
import cats.effect.{IO, Timer}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
def retryWithBackoff[A](ioa: IO[A], initialDelay: FiniteDuration, maxRetries: Int)
(implicit timer: Timer[IO]): IO[A] = {
ioa.handleErrorWith { error =>
if (maxRetries > 0)
IO.sleep(initialDelay) *> retryWithBackoff(ioa, initialDelay * 2, maxRetries - 1)
Thread Shifting
provides a function shift
to give you more control over the execution of your operations.
Note there are 2 overloads of the IO.shift
- One that takes a ContextShift that manages the thread-pool used to trigger async boundaries.
- Another that takes a Scala
as the thread-pool.
Please use the former by default and use the latter only for fine-grained control over the thread pool in use.
By default, Cats Effect
provides an instance of ContextShift[IO]
that manages thread-pools,
but only inside an implementation of IOApp.
Custom instances of ContextShift[IO]
can be created using an ExecutionContext
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO}
implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(global)
We can introduce an asynchronous boundary in the flatMap
chain before a certain task:
val task = IO(println("task"))
IO.shift(contextShift).flatMap(_ => task)
Note that the ContextShift
value is taken implicitly from the context so you can just do this:
IO.shift.flatMap(_ => task)
Or using Cats
IO.shift *> task
// equivalent to
implicitly[ContextShift[IO]].shift *> task
Or we can specify an asynchronous boundary "after" the evaluation of a certain task:
task.flatMap(a => => a))
Or using Cats
task <* IO.shift
// equivalent to
task <* implicitly[ContextShift[IO]].shift
Example of where this might be useful:
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import cats.effect.IO
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
val cachedThreadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()
val BlockingFileIO = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(cachedThreadPool)
implicit val Main =
val ioa: IO[Unit] =
for {
_ <- IO(println("Enter your name: "))
_ <- IO.shift(BlockingFileIO)
name <- IO(
_ <- IO.shift(Main)
_ <- IO(println(s"Welcome $name!"))
_ <- IO(cachedThreadPool.shutdown())
} yield ()
We start by asking the user to enter its name and next we thread-shift to the BlockingFileIO
execution context because we expect the following action to block on the thread for a long time and we don't want that to happen in the main thread of execution. After the expensive IO operation
(readLine) gets back with a response we thread-shift back to the main execution context defined as an implicit value, and finally the program ends by showing a message in the console and shutting down a thread pool, all actions run in the main execution context.
Another somewhat less common application of shift
is to reset the thread stack and yield control back to the underlying pool. For example:
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(
lazy val doStuff = IO(println("stuff"))
lazy val repeat: IO[Unit] =
for {
_ <- doStuff
_ <- IO.shift
_ <- repeat
} yield ()
In this example, repeat
is a very long running IO
(infinite, in fact!) which will just hog the underlying thread resource for as long as it continues running. This can be a bit of a problem, and so we inject the IO.shift
which yields control back to the underlying thread pool, giving it a chance to reschedule things and provide better fairness. This shifting also "bounces" the thread stack, popping all the way back to the thread pool and effectively trampolining the remainder of the computation. Although the thread-shifting is not completely necessary, it might help in some cases to alleviate the use of the main thread pool.
Thus, this function has four important use cases:
- Shifting blocking actions off of the main compute pool.
- Defensively re-shifting asynchronous continuations back to the main compute pool.
- Yielding control to some underlying pool for fairness reasons.
- Preventing an overflow of the call stack in the case of improperly constructed
is trampolined for all synchronous
and asynchronous
joins. This means that you can safely call flatMap
in a recursive function of arbitrary depth, without fear of blowing the stack. So you can do this for example:
import cats.effect.IO
def signal[A](a: A): IO[A] = IO.async(_(Right(a)))
def loop(n: Int): IO[Int] =
signal(n).flatMap { x =>
if (x > 0) loop(n - 1) else IO.pure(0)
Since the introduction of the Parallel typeclasss in the Cats library and its IO
instance, it became possible to execute two or more given IO
s in parallel.
Note: all parallel operations require an implicit ContextShift[IO]
in scope
(see ContextShift). You have a ContextShift
in scope if:
- via usage of IOApp that gives you a
by default - the user provides a custom
, which can be created usingIO.contextShift(executionContext)
It has the potential to run an arbitrary number of IO
s in parallel, and it allows you to apply a function to the result (as in map
). It finishes processing when all the IO
s are completed, either successfully or with a failure. For example:
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO}
import cats.syntax.all._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(
val ioA = IO(println("Running ioA"))
val ioB = IO(println("Running ioB"))
val ioC = IO(println("Running ioC"))
// make sure that you have an implicit ContextShift[IO] in scope.
val program = (ioA, ioB, ioC).parMapN { (_, _, _) => () }
//=> Running ioB
//=> Running ioC
//=> Running ioA
If any of the IO
s completes with a failure then the result of the whole computation will be failed, while the unfinished tasks get cancelled. Example:
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, ExitCase, IO}
import cats.syntax.all._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._
implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(
implicit val timer = IO.timer(
val a = IO.raiseError[Unit](new Exception("boom")) <* IO(println("Running ioA"))
val b = (IO.sleep(1.second) *> IO(println("Running ioB")))
.guaranteeCase {
case ExitCase.Canceled => IO(println("ioB was canceled!"))
case _ => IO.unit
val parFailure = (a, b).parMapN { (_, _) => () }
//=> ioB was canceled!
//=> java.lang.Exception: boom
//=> ... 43 elided
If one of the tasks fails immediately, then the other gets canceled and the computation completes immediately, so in this example the pairing via parMapN
will not wait for 10 seconds before emitting the error:
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Timer, IO}
import cats.syntax.all._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._
implicit val contextShift: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(
implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(
val ioA = IO.sleep(10.seconds) *> IO(println("Delayed!"))
val ioB = IO.raiseError[Unit](new Exception("dummy"))
(ioA, ioB).parMapN((_, _) => ())
If you have a list of IO, and you want a single IO with the result list you can use parSequence
which executes the IO tasks in parallel.
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Timer, IO}
import cats.syntax.parallel._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
// Needed for IO.start to do a logical thread fork
implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(
implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(
val anIO = IO(1)
val aLotOfIOs =
NonEmptyList.of(anIO, anIO)
val ioOfList = aLotOfIOs.parSequence
There is also cats.Traverse.sequence
which does this synchronously.
If you have a list of data and a way of turning each item into an IO, but you want a single IO for the results you can use parTraverse
to run the steps in parallel.
import cats.effect.{ContextShift, Timer, IO}
import cats.syntax.parallel._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
// Needed for IO.start to do a logical thread fork
implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(
implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(
val results = NonEmptyList.of(1, 2, 3).parTraverse { i =>
There is also cats.Traverse.traverse
which will run each step synchronously.
"Unsafe" Operations
We have been using some "unsafe" operations pretty much everywhere in the previous examples but we never explained any of them, so here it goes. All of the operations prefixed with unsafe
are impure functions and perform side effects (for example Haskell has unsafePerformIO
). But don't be scared by the name! You should write your programs in a monadic way using functions such as map
and flatMap
to compose other functions and ideally you should just call one of these unsafe operations only once, at the very end of your program.
Produces the result by running the encapsulated effects as impure side effects.
If any component of the computation is asynchronous, the current thread will block awaiting the results of the async computation. On JavaScript, an exception will be thrown instead to avoid generating a deadlock. By default, this blocking will be unbounded. To limit the thread block to some fixed time, use unsafeRunTimed
Any exceptions raised within the effect will be re-thrown during evaluation.
// Sync!
Passes the result of the encapsulated effects to the given callback by running them as impure side effects.
Any exceptions raised within the effect will be passed to the callback in the Either
. The callback will be invoked at most once. Note that it is very possible to construct an IO
which never returns while still never blocking a thread, and attempting to evaluate that IO
with this method will result in a situation where the callback is never invoked.
IO(println("Async!")).unsafeRunAsync(_ => ())
// Async!
Evaluates the source IO
, passing the result of the encapsulated effects to the given callback. Note that this has the potential to be interrupted.
IO(println("Potentially cancelable!")).unsafeRunCancelable(_ => ())
// Potentially cancelable!
// res59: cats.effect.package.CancelToken[IO] = Suspend(
// thunk = cats.effect.internals.IOConnection$Impl$$Lambda$6805/0x0000000841e57040@2d86c2ff,
// trace = StackTrace(
// stackTrace = List(
// cats.effect.internals.IOTracing$.buildFrame(IOTracing.scala:48),
// cats.effect.internals.IOTracing$.buildCachedFrame(IOTracing.scala:39),
// cats.effect.internals.IOTracing$.cached(IOTracing.scala:34),
// cats.effect.IO$.defer(IO.scala:1157),
// cats.effect.internals.IOConnection$Impl.<init>(IOConnection.scala:103),
// cats.effect.internals.IOConnection$.apply(IOConnection.scala:81),
// cats.effect.IO.unsafeRunCancelable(IO.scala:304),
// repl.MdocSession$App15.<init>(,
// repl.MdocSession$App13.<init>(,
// repl.MdocSession$App12.<init>(,
// repl.MdocSession$App11.<init>(,
// repl.MdocSession$App10.<init>(,
// repl.MdocSession$App9.<init>(,
// repl.MdocSession$App8.<init>(,
// repl.MdocSession$App7.<init>(,
// repl.MdocSession$App6.<init>(,
// repl.MdocSession$App5.<init>(,
// repl.MdocSession$App.<init>(,
// repl.MdocSession$.app(,
// mdoc.internal.document.DocumentBuilder$$doc$.$anonfun$build$2(DocumentBuilder.scala:89),
// scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18),
// scala.util.DynamicVariable.withValue(DynamicVariable.scala:59),
// scala.Console$.withErr(Console.scala:193),
// mdoc.internal.document.DocumentBuilder$$doc$.$anonfun$build$1(DocumentBuilder.scala:89),
// scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18),
// scala.util.DynamicVariable.withValue(DynamicVariable.scala:59),
// scala.Console$.withOut(Console.scala:164),
// mdoc.internal.document.DocumentBuilder$$doc$.build(DocumentBuilder.scala:88),
// mdoc.internal.markdown.MarkdownBuilder$.$anonfun$buildDocument$2(MarkdownBuilder.scala:47),
// mdoc.internal.markdown.MarkdownBuilder$$anon$
// )
// )
// )
Similar to unsafeRunSync
, except with a bounded blocking duration when awaiting asynchronous results.
Please note that the limit
parameter does not limit the time of the total computation, but rather acts as an upper bound on any individual asynchronous block. Thus, if you pass a limit of 5 seconds
to an IO
consisting solely of synchronous actions, the evaluation may take considerably longer than 5 seconds!
Furthermore, if you pass a limit of 5 seconds
to an IO
consisting of several asynchronous actions joined together, evaluation may take up to n * 5 seconds
, where n
is the number of joined async actions.
As soon as an async blocking limit is hit, evaluation "immediately" aborts and None
is returned.
Please note that this function is intended for testing purposes; it should never appear in your mainline production code! It is absolutely not an appropriate function to use if you want to implement timeouts, or anything similar. If you need that sort of functionality, you should be using a streaming library (like fs2 or Monix).
import scala.concurrent.duration._
Evaluates the effect and produces the result in a Future
This is similar to unsafeRunAsync
in that it evaluates the IO
as a side effect in a non-blocking fashion, but uses a Future
rather than an explicit callback. This function should really only be used if interoperating with legacy code which uses Scala futures.
IO("Gimme a Future!").unsafeToFuture()
Best Practices
This section presents some best practices for working with IO
Keep Granularity
It's better to keep the granularity, so please don't do something like this:
IO {
In FP we embrace reasoning about our programs and since IO
is a Monad
you can compose bigger programs from small ones in a for-comprehension
For example:
val program =
for {
data <- readFile
_ <- writeToDatabase(data)
_ <- sendBytesOverTcp(data)
_ <- launchMissiles
} yield ()
Each step of the comprehension is a small program, and the resulting program
is a composition of all those small steps,
which is compositional with other programs. IO
values compose.
Use pure functions in map / flatMap
When using map
or flatMap
it is not recommended to pass a side effectful function, as mapping functions should also be pure.
So this should be avoided:
IO.pure(123).map(n => println(s"NOT RECOMMENDED! $n"))
This too should be avoided, because the side effect is not suspended in the returned IO
IO.pure(123).flatMap { n =>
println(s"NOT RECOMMENDED! $n")
The correct approach would be this:
IO.pure(123).flatMap { n =>
// Properly suspending the side effect
IO(println(s"RECOMMENDED! $n"))
Note that as far as the actual behavior of IO
is concerned, something like IO.pure(x).map(f)
is equivalent with IO(f(x))
and IO.pure(x).flatMap(f)
is equivalent with IO.defer(f(x))
But you should not rely on this behavior, because it is NOT described by the laws required by the Sync
type class and those laws are the only guarantees of behavior that you get. For example the above equivalence might be broken in the future in regards to error handling. So this behavior is currently there for safety reasons, but you should regard it as an implementation detail that could change in the future.
Stick with pure functions.